Your Hassels
Maybe you have troubles like
what is happening at school or at university
a lack of motivation for school or your studies
uncertainty about what you really want
fear of exams and failure
cumbersome demands from those around you
difficult relationships
too much screen time
difficulty of managing your emotions
a lack of self-confidence
My coaching will allow you to overcome these challenges and gain more joy and pleasure in your life.
About Me
My name is Beát. I am a coach, a trainer and also the father of an adult daughter.
In my youth, I often felt out of place, misunderstood (by everyone) and very alone. I had little self-confidence and there was no one who could have helped me to get out of my cocoon. Today, I know what I could have done differently, and I want to pass on this knowledge to others who need it now.
In my life, I have undertaken many different things, sometimes successful, sometimes less so. My journey has led me to acquire expertise in self-management and personality analysis. I have tools that are perfect for young people like you. This way, you will be able to overcome your blockages and feel better about yourself – in principle, do better than I did at the time.
I look forward to each coaching session which is always a learning moment for me, because each person is unique.
In the photos next to this text, you see me at different ages.

My Proposition
My coaching will allow you to better manage what bothers you in your life. You will decide which theme we will address together and I will pass on to you the knowledge and the tools that will help you achieve what you want.
You just need to be a little curious to come see me. After the first meeting, you will decide whether you want to continue or not. A first session will not oblige you to anything.
We will see each other as many times as you see fit, normally one to four sessions of 60 to 90 minutes. In many cases, just one session is enough when it comes to adapting your learning strategy.
The sessions take place in a pleasant and friendly atmosphere. You can trust my methods to achieve the result you desire.
You have the possibility to do a very elaborate personality test , if it helps you to see more clearly, and we will look at the results together. It's not free and your parents must be prepared to support it.
I am not a magician. If I have the impression that another specialist could help you better, I will tell you and suggest that you go see him or her.
Your Journey
You are the pilot on your own mission of discovery. My coaching will provide a space and a time dedicated to you, only to you. You will decide what issue you would like to address. Whether it is in line with what your parents or the school want or not, it doesn't matter.
You can rest assured that what we talk about together stays between us and that I will not judge what you say to me.
It is you who will define where to go and I have no intention of pushing you in any direction that is not yours.
I will focus on your strengths and your potential. You may be surprised that we are not going to analyze your past. We will focus on your current situation and what you could do differently today.
If you wish to end the coaching, you can do so at any time. This can happen. Maybe I wasn't the right person, or I couldn't find the right tools for you, or it wasn't the right time, or my coaching didn't match your current needs. In any case, I will always take it on myself and the circumstances, and will NEVER consider this to be somebody else's fault!

Contact me
You can get in touch wich me easily by
Mobile/SMS/WhatsApp/Signal +41 75 422 20 20
Email swisslearningcoach@abundana.com
Maybe it's your parents who are suggesting you come see me and you don't feel comfortable with this idea. I suggest you come for a first session anyway. It will allow you to decide whether my coaching would be helpful for you or not. This will be without obligation.
Before your first session, it will often be necessary to inform your parents to be informed and to get their agreement. Sometimes there might be a face-to-face or online meeting with you and them to settle open questions.

In case of emergency
Do you need immediate help? – Call number 147 of Pro Juventute. They offer confidential support every day, 24 hours a day. The service is free and calls or texts to number 147 will not appear on any telephone bill. Most of their counselors speak English.
You can also reach them by SMS by writing to 147, by email at conseil@147.ch and by chat on 147.ch.
Find out more on www.147.ch